Know What
I'm Sayin'??
Saturday, April 01, 2006
When a plan comes together...
So my fiancee' and I went to a short Van Hunt concert last Sunday. Loved it, but that's another post. This post is about the venue.

The concert was held at a place here in Atlanta called The Drunken Unicorn. It's the performance room behind this club/bar called MJQ.

On the wall in the Unicorn, there were quotes from Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Just a few quotes, but coming out of that, I had a distinct need to have my own copy of the book. I shared this with my fiancee', with the qualification that I didn't want to just go to the store and buy one, I wanted an older used copy. War is an old need for a new copy.

So today I'm in a thrift store, and there it is. The Art of War. $1. Score.

Look for favorite quotes soon.

Know what I'm sayin'??